Menstruation ends by the moment purification is attained. There are many signs for this. Among these signs is the appearance of the white fluid discharged after the bleeding. Another sign is dryness which involves that the towel or the piece of cotton that is applied on woman’s vagina becomes dry and no more blood oozes for a day and night. Once these two signs occur and a woman becomes certain that her period is over, she is to perform ghusl (purifactory bath) and resumes performing prayer.

If a lady has performed ghusl after purification, she is allowed to have sexual intercourse with her husband any time they want unless they are fasting. Furthermore, after a woman becomes assured that she has been purified from menses, she should do ghusl as soon as in order to resume offering Prayer on time. After taking ghusl she is permitted to have sexual intercourse with her husband, i.e. she is not required to wait for another day.