Sheik Yusuf Estes, Director of, and National Chaplain WAMY, states the following:
“First of all, being a believer of Christianity and yet not tying into a particular denomination may actually be in anyone’s favour. This was my case ten years ago. I was a preacher for Christianity and an enemy to Islam. But due to my sincere efforts and sacrifices and willingness to overcome the natural tendency of the human toward prejudices and rationalization, Allah Bestowed His Mercy on me and allowed me to enter into Islam.
Christians fate is totally up to Allah and we are speculating if we are talking one on one with an individual. Nobody knows where he will wind up. We don’t know if we will even live another day and we don’t know where we will die either.
Always in Islam no one is asked about something he or she is unable to do or did not know about. If a person never heard of Islam, the Qur’an or the message of worshipping only One True God (Allah), then Allah would take care of that person in His own way and would be sure that he got his input. However, once a person has entered Islam he must do his or her best to follow Islam to the best of his / her abilities.
Allah mentions in the Qur’an several times the importance of believing correctly according to what He is telling us to believe and how to act on our belief.
If Allah dooms someone to Hell, it will only be because of one thing. He states clearly in the Holy Qur’an that He cannot forgive the setting up of partners with Him, but anything less than this, He can forgive.
Only the most wretched and criminal of humans will have to endure the eternal pain and suffering in the Fire of Hell. And may Allah save us from that, Ameen.
Here is a sincere piece of advice from one who has been through it. Coming into Islam means the sincere worship of only the True God of the Universe without any partners. This is well along the same teachings of the Old Testament and parts of the New Testament. So try thinking of Almighty God as a real God. Don’t imagine Him as a “man” or a “cow.” Then while thinking about the Mercy of Allah begin to pray deep down inside your heart something to the effect of:
“O God — guide me.”
Whomever Allah guides none can misguide him. And if Allah guides you then none can misguide you. And if He misguides someone, then there is no one to guide that person.
Everything in this life is to prepare us for the meeting with Allah after our deaths here. So keep this in mind while you are learning about Islam and Muslims.
Pray unceasingly, day after day, and be honest and sincere in all that you do. Allah doesn’t need us at all. So obey His orders in all ways. Eventually, He will guide you to that which will make you submit to Him.
When you are sure that you are ready to surrender, submit, obey and do it in sincerity and peace, then you are ready to make your declaration of faith called the Shahadah.
That is the only thing that you really have to do on your own and none can do it for you either is to worship Almighty Allah directly and always ask Him for your needs.
But just as you would have no trouble in telling us who are mother or your father is, so it should be easy for you to tell us Who Your God is.
Fate of Non-Muslims
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