Muslim scholars agree that a woman is allowed to wear gold jewelry as long as there is neither excess nor imitation of men. Concerning gold sandals, some scholars do not allow them based on the prohibition of being wasteful and extravagant.
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada states: “Wearing jewelry made of gold and silver is permitted for women according to the general consensus of jurists belonging to all the four schools as well as the scholars of hadith recognized for their sound knowledge of fiqh.
It is therefore a matter of consensus that women are allowed to wear all kinds of jewelry such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc., that are normally worn by women. They have stipulated only two conditions for women’s use of such jewelry as follows:
First, the jewelry should not be excessively expensive in which case it might fall under the category of israf (wastage and extravagance) which has been forbidden in the Qur’an: “Most certainly the extravagant are brothers of Satan” (Al-Isra’: 27). “And verily Satan is an avowed enemy of man” (Al-Isra’: 53).
Second, it should pertain to women’s use of jewelry made of gold and silver, i.e, they must not imitate the jewelry of men. It is strictly forbidden for women and men to imitate each other’s style and mannerisms.
There is a difference of opinion among scholars whether women are permitted to wear sandals made of gold: Some consider it haram (unlawful). This is because, according to them, it falls under the forbidden category of extravagance and wastefulness. The same can be said of household wares or utensils made of gold or silver.
In conclusion, let us further add that it has been authentically reported that the Prophet’s wife ‘A’ishah used to dress up her nieces – who were of marriageable age – in all kinds of gold jewelry. We have also been told that she considered only the use of utensils and household wares made of gold as haram.”
Can a Woman Wear Gold Sandals?
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