It is not lawful to work in the field of translation for foreign troops in a muslim country because Islam dictates that Muslims must not help, in any way, those who fight against their fellow Muslims. Surely, a less paid job is better than serving the enemy of Muslims.
Sheikh Ahmad Abu Halabiyah, a member of the Supreme Council for Fatwa in Al-Quds and Palestinian Territories, states the following: “It is not permissible to work as a translator in this situation, or in any other field, for occupying non-Muslim troops in a muslim country unless the aim behind doing so is to obtain information about them in the interest of Muslim fighters. Only then will working for them be considered permissible.
If there is no such intention in working for them, it is not lawful for to do so even if one has a large family to feed. One should rather, look for a job elsewhere even if the money is much less than what they might have earned working with the occupiers.”
Being a translator for foreign troops in an Islamic country: Permissible?
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