Islam denounces excess in beautifying oneself to the extent of altering one’s physical features as created by Allah. The Qur’an considers such alterations as inspired by Satan, who “will command them (his devotees) to change what Allah has created” (An-Nisa’: 119). If the plastic surgery to remove a birthmark will lead to extreme harm, then it should not be performed. If it is badly needed and no harm will be inflicted, then it may be performed to remove a greater evil.
The prominent Muslim scholar, Zeinab Al-`Alawani, researcher at the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), Herndon, Virginia and instructor of Fiqh, School of Islamic Social Sciences, Leesburg, Virginia, states:
” The objectives of Divine Law are based on defining three different levels: essentials which deal with the preservation of life, religion, reason, progeny and property, and prevention of what could lead to hardship, but not to death or harm in the life of the individual or community. Finally, improvement and perfection are related to that which permits the improvement of either the spiritual or the material aspects of life.
Therefore, we need to carefully measure and calculate the advantages and disadvantages of this surgery. Additionally, we need to evaluate our purposes and test our reasons for taking this step. Then, if we find the disadvantages, Allah forbid, more or equal to the advantages, then the surgery is not allowed. This means that if the doctor shows any concern or if damage may occur during or after the surgery, it becomes absolutely invalid.
Consequently, as long as the birthmark is not on her face, for example, there is no need to do it unless you think it will have a negative effect on her marital future.”
Undergoing Plastic Surgery to Remove a Birthmark
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