Translating the Qur’an from Another Translation
As-salamu `alaykum. I am a member of a da`wah (inviting people to Allah) group calling both non-Muslims and Muslims to Islam; we translate beneficial articles and books and so on, for the benefit of those who do not know the language they were originally written in. Some members of our group translate Arabic into English. I, in turn, translate the translated text into Danish. I cannot translate from Arabic to Danish, because I do not speak Arabic.However, a friend of mine said that it might be risky to do such a thing, because I translate some of the Qur’anic verses into Danish from the English text. He advised me to stop translating this way, or wait till I can translate more professionally in the future. However, I am not sure. Should I continue translating - with the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure, thus, guiding people - or should I stop translating, because of the risk of mistranslating the Qur’an? As a learned scholar, what would you advise me to do; should I continue translating or not?