Is sharing worries and bad experiences regarded as backbiting?
Aslaamoalaikum. I visit your website everyday, I enjoy browsing through the questions and reading the various articles. Alhamdulillah You are doing a superb job, I feel blessed to have this website available to me. Please keep it up and do not ever shut it down. I have something that has been troubling me. I feel as humans, we by nature have a need to share our feelings with someone. Everyone needs someone to talk to, to share what they are feeling. If I go through a bad experience with someone, or I am having trouble with someone, I feel the need to share this with my best friend. I know, that she will never say anything to anyone else, I have full confidence in her, in fact I feel that when I share my feelings with her, she will offer me some advice or some reassurance, or guidance or give me some support, Something that will make me feel better. But I was wondering is this gheebat or back biting?