My friend is in the immense need of the answer to the following question please help –He got married around six month ago. He and his wife did not use to take full bath after intercourse usually but they used to wash themselves from navel till feet. But when they came to know about the fact that gusal after intercourse between husband and wife is obligatory to perform salaat they have become very concerned about their prayers which they have offered till now by not having full bath after intercourse. Off course they used to do wudhu before salaat. And this happened in Ramadhan also. Do they have to repeat all of those salaat? Or what should they do now in order to seek forgiveness from Allah (swt)?
Respected scholars, as-salamu `alaykum. It's said that we should listen to the Adhan. But what about a person who is breaking his fast on hearing Maghrib Adhan? Is he exempted? Jazakum Allahu khayran.
Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, President of the Fiqh Council of North America, states the following: It is permissible to repeat one verse several times and also the same Surah for the purpose of reflection and remembrance of Allah. But this is only if you are praying by yourself. If you are an Imam then you should not
Learn about Istikharah, the Islamic prayer for guidance. Understand its purpose, method, misconceptions about dreams, and how to make informed decisions based on faith and reason.