Raising Hands in Du`aa (Supplication)
As Salaamu Alaikum, I have several questions regarding salat, Insha'Allah you'll be able to help. 1-Is it bidah to raise the hands to shoulders length (palms turned up) and supplicate to Allah? Please give hadith or other proof. 2-I've seen Muslims rise, coming out of ruku and place the right hand over their left, then takbir and go into prostration. Isn't that bidah? I was always taught to relax the limbs when coming out of ruku. 3-All the masajids I've been to when the Imam takbir, all the followers also takbir aloud. Although recently I've seen a leader of salat takbir but no one in the ranks takbir aloud but me, and I was told thats bidah. Is it bidah? Please give proof.