
Working as a Writer or Producer in a Film Industry

As-salamu `alaykum?.Can you please tell me if it is permissable to work as a writer or director or producer in the film industry, for eg. making big budget hollywood movies, obviously paying particular attention to the subject matter & content. I also have read articles where making movies is halal but the inclusion of 'violence' is haraam. Can you please further clarify exactly what type of violent scenes are haraam or are they all haraam? I mean ive sat through The Matrix & Lord of the Rings movies - Would it be haraam to execute the 'action' sequences in these movies? If so how are we to compete with the likes of these films as movie makers (the industry is very competitive & if you exclude these factors your career is dead even before it has started!!) & as muslims in the west? On a final note I agree that scientific & psychological evidence proves that violent images shown to children have an adverse effect on behaviour. However the MANY studies conducted on adults are non-conclusive or contradictory indicating violent influence derived from means other than video images to be a contributing factor. There is no UNANIMOUS opinion or evidence that violent images have an adverse effect on the behaviour of adults since they can clearly distinguish between fact & fiction. I particularly ask seeing the number of movies/tv series etc that are released without any 'muslim influence' attached to them. Surely this is an industry which needs attention - The media does influence the lives of millions after all, particularly in this day & age when everyone has a TV in their home? It is also something I have always wanted to do but have been met with conflicting opinions and critisism. I do however strongly feel the need for fellow muslims in this area. Plenty to think about, im sure ? Please elaborate...?. Jaza Khallah Khair?I would appreciate if you could reply to this email ASAP seeing that i have an opportunity to work in this industry right NOW & i need a verdict to i can get back to certain people. If needed, please feel free to reply to this through my personal email. Wassalam