
Should non-praying Muslim be killed?

As salamu aleykum!I have three questions about the policy in an islamic state, where the shariah is applied.1) In the mosque they told me, that the sentence " let there be no compulsion in religion" only applies to non-muslims, but inan islamic state every muslim has to pray and pay the zakat and do everything,that is fard, otherwise he should be killed.and some person told me that every person who does not pray and pay the zakat is to be fight against.and if a muslim does not pray he has to be excecutet.there proof is a hadith, where the prophet sais I have to fight everyone until he is a muslim and prays and pays the zakat.that confuses me, because we know that a good deed, is only good if you had the intent to do that.2) And my second question is about music, photography , television, internet and so on. Will it all be abolished especially music,you are one of the very few scholars or the only one who permit music. I think music is beautiful and something beautiful can only be a gift from allah to us, how can the devil make something beautiful. But I'm scared, that music will be abolished and every kind of modern technologies, like the taliban did.and that everyone is forced to pray otherwise he is to be killed.3) And while in the mosque I had a discussion and I said, that I have the information from your side, they told me , that I shouldn't listen to Qaradawi. Why is that so, why are so many muslims against you, I think your site trys to teach the real islam, except of some few points I totally agree with you and in my heart I know that your site  wants to teach the real Islam. What should I do?Jazzakum Allah khairan