
Taking interest-based loan to buy a house

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. Dear brother in IslamAl Salam alaykumI am a Swiss Muslim live in Switzerland. I live in a rented house for around 10 yeas; this house has 2 floors, 2 families live in this house each floor one family. The owner of the house wants to sell the house to one of these 2 families (my family or other family). The owner propose us first as we are living in this house much longer than the other family.We want to buy house because our children grew up and go to school in this area abd my old father lives in the same street and. The house cost 1550000 Swiss Franc. The money we saved is only 700000 francs, to be able to buy this house it is necessary to take interest-based loans from banks, we rent this house since 10 years already and we are paying rental fee which the same amount I am going to pay to the bank as interest , if the other family will buy the house, they will ask us to leave because they always wanted to live in the part we rent as it bigger and nicer, and we cannot easy find new house of apartment in the area where we live now. We only want to keep this house and no attention of doing business or earning money in this bank deal.Any prohibition may have certain necessity circumstances that call for relaxation. This applies to riba and too many other prohibitions. Of course, a necessity must always be given its right weight since it is Allah, the Most Knowledgeable, Who is going to screen our truthfulness, not any one else, can you justify this case as necessity and advice us to go ahead and buy the house or say hasbi allah wa nima alwakeel.May Allah guide you to the straight path, and guide you to that which pleases Him

Getting a Conventional Mortgage for a Short Period of Time

Assalamu Alaikoum Wa Rahmatou Allah Ta3ala wa baraketouhou. Bismi allahi arrahmani arrahim. Dear Scholars can you please clarify and if possible give me a definite answer to my Question which is in regards to Mortgages. I live in the UK I have just married, the house we live in is a 1 bedroom house and we pay £600 rent a month. I have approached islamic banks for Mortgage (Amamnah finance), as I do have about 15% of the value of the house. even then they said I wont be able to afford it based on my salary, and it is true I will not be able to afford it at this time. I approached conventional Banks for conventional Mortgages and they offered us a good mortgage with repayments that we can actually afford and it will give us the chance to buy a bigger house than the one we live in. in regards to darurah of the matter, My wife is finishing her studies at University and she cannot actually do her work properly because of the lack of space, we are happily maried but the space issue gets to us and sometimes gets in the way of our marriage. I have asked about this and I was told that I do not have a darurah in this case because I have a roof to live under. My question is as follow, My intetion is to get a convetional mortgage for a short period of time to get the space and get a house which we can actually call home, inchallah and with allah's help improving our financial situation we will move to an islamic mortgage when we can afford it, I am working towards getting a better higher paid job? Second is my situation a darurah or is it not? Jazakoum allaho Khier