How to Know Modern Things If It Is Halal or Haram
Assalamu alaykumThere are very few things in which a man doesn´t know if it is halal or haram or how to handle correct according to Quran and Sunna because it´s so modern – how then should we know if it is halal or haram. F.ex in the past there were no planes. Juft for the last 100 years. The prophet (s.a.s) and then Quran didn´t say if planes are halal or haram – how should we know? THIS WAS NOW JUST A SILLY EXAMPLE – I know that planes are halal, it was just an example. Or whether oral sex is permitted or not – maybe the prophet (s.a.s) didn´t know about oral sex,etc.there was also a history where the prophet(s.a.s) send a companion to Ysemen to teach people about Islam, and the prophet asked him how will you answer their question. He answered according to the quran. Then the prophet said and what if it is not answered in the quran. The companion answered: then according to the sunna. The prophet asked again: and what if the answer is not in the quran and not in the sunna. Trhe companion answered: Then according to my experience and knowledge as long as it is not haram. Is this hadith correct and is it the answer of my question?