Does the Present-Day Corruption Justify Committing Zina
As-Salam `Alaykum. This question might seem a little awkward, but I know I am speaking for a lot of young people. Abstaining from sex is a really tough job at this age (18 and above). In the Prophet's days, one could get married and start business at the age of 17, but nowadays this has become impossible because one can't start a business at that age and definitely can't get married. They had it a lot easier then. With the changing times, we walk about seeing women dressed in attractive clothes with the help of Shaytan (by not lowering the gaze). This is not our fault. It is because we don't have wives, for if we did we would easily turn to our wives.My question is: “Can fornication in this situation still be punished for as it was then? If the punishment is received in this life (100 lashes) will there still be punishment in the Hereafter? Also, when one tries to stop but can't and finally gets married and totally stops, and his needs are satisfied all the time, he can repent and never do it again. What is your view? I don't plan to take part in any of this but I need to know how to answer some peoples' questions.