In fact, the purpose of Friday khutbah (sermon) is to remind the Muslims about their responsibilities and to motivate them to stop evil and promote good in their lives, families and in the community. It is also the purpose of the Friday khutbah to inform the Muslims about the condition of the Ummah and the world.
The European council for Fatwa and Research, headed by the prominent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, issues the following Fatwa: “The Friday sermon is a reminder, a call, a guidance and a means of education. We learn that whenever Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) delivered the sermon, his eyes would become red, his voice rose, with intense emotion as one giving a warning against the enemy.
Such a spellbinding way of delivering sermon related to the fact that the overwhelming motive was to remind the Muslims. Hence, it is narrated that he used to read surat Qaf in the Friday prayer, which by itself, is a reminder and a warning. However, it should be borne in mind that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used not to prolong the sermon so as not to bore the listeners. He is also reported to have said, ‘Shortening the sermon and prolonging the prayer is a sign of the man’s knowledge.’”
Role of Friday Khutbah
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