Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada , states: “Music can never be condemned unconditionally; exceptions must be made: Music is permissible as long it meets the following requirements:
1. Its theme and message is wholly pure, ethical and free from lewdness;
2. It does not become addictive so as to be distracting from dhikr of Allah and recitation of Qur’an;
3. It does not interfere with one’s obligatory religions duties;
4. It is not associated with other evils such as drinking, mingling of men and women.
If such requirements are met, and a person is using music as halal way of entertainment in weddings or similar occasions, then it cannot considered as haram; how can it be when aesthetic sense or instinct is innate in man/woman. Islam being a natural religion cannot wholly disapprove of its legitimate fulfillment. So do not object to playing music in wedding as long its message is ethical and Islamic and as long it does not interfere with Prayer, etc.”
Playing Music on Wedding Ceremony
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