First of all, we’d like to make it clear that religious observances, in Islam, are divinely established with appointed times and they are to be given due consideration. Salah (prayer), being the main pillar of Islam, is to be performed on time.
Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Society of North America, states the following: “Prayer should be performed on time. If for some unavoidable reasons one is unable to pray on time, then Qadaa’ can be done, but it should be done as soon as possible. One does not have to wait for the time of another prayer. However, one should avoid the prohibited times of prayers. These are: when the sun is rising, when it is at its highest point in the middle of the day and when it is setting.
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, forbade us from performing prayer at these times, so that we do not resemble those who worship the sun.
Similarly, if one is unable to wake up for Fajr prayer on time, one should do it as soon as one wakes up.
If it is the time of sunrise or shuruq then one should wait a few minutes until the sun is risen and then one should make the Qadaa’ of Fajr prayer. One must make the Qadaa’ of missed prayers. The prayers remain due and one is responsible to perform them until they are performed.”
The above view concerning the prohibition of making up for obligatory prayers at those times reflects the opinion of some scholars.
However, the opinion of the majority of scholars is that there is nothing wrong in performing non-obligatory Prayers that have particular reasons such as the funeral prayer, greeting the Mosque, or the two Rak`as that are Sunnah after ablution (Wudu’); and it is also permissible to make up for the missed obligatory Prayers at those times.
Performing Prayer After Its Due Time
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