First of all, we’d like to state that it is unbecoming of Muslim parents to force their daughter not to wear hijab which is an Islamic obligation upon mature Muslim girls in the presence of non-mahrams or when
going outdoors.

In Islam, a Muslim can’t obey a person whether he is a mother or father or whatever, at the expense of disobeying Allah. Here, you are not allowed to obey your parents in taking off the Hijab, but you are also religiously required to remain kind and dutiful to them. It is a hard balance to achieve, but with patience and perseverance you will finally reach a conclusion where you please Your Lord and your parents, in sha’ Allah.

As a Muslimah, a girl should remind her parents politely that she is following the command of Allah by sticking to wearing the Hijab. She should tell them that she would like to obey them in all matters, but not in the matters that are against the rules of Allah.
At the same time, we should not use Hijab to rebel against our parents and to create more problems between us and them. We should rather be more loving, obedient and kind towards them, without taking off our Hijab in public. In sha’ Allah, this will help parents to see that the Hijab has made us a better person.
Those who follow the rules of Allah should be humble. They should not show arrogance towards those who do not follow those rules, but they should humbly remind them.

If they insisted and pressed you hardly, a muslim girl in this situation should try to seek the help of influential family members or a righteous friend to her father or mother and the imam of a nearby Islamic Center. She may also need the counselling of a local mufti rather than a cyber counseling.

Finally, do not forget to make du`aa’ (supplication) asking Allah to guide the parents to accept Allah’s commands and grant us all happiness and success in this worldly life and the world to come.