`Iddah (waiting period) is a Divine ordinance on a Muslim woman when marriage is terminated whether by separation or death of the husband. The Divine wisdom behind the legislation of `iddah is very great. Amongst others, a woman observes `iddah to avoid confusion of lineage, to give herself sufficient time to think and decide in case of divorce and allow some time for reconciliation. In case of death, a woman observes `iddah to show respect for her husband and sadness at his death. Though a woman, whose marriage is not consummated, is not required to observe `iddah in case of divorce, she is however, required to observe `iddah in case of her husband’s death even if he dies before the consummation of the marriage.

Addressing this point the prominent Muslim scholar Dr. Sulayman ibn Fahd Al-`Isa, professor of Post-Graduate Studies at the University of Imam Muhammad ibn Sa`ud, states:

If a woman is widowed after the contract of marriage is concluded but before the consummation, she is required to observe `iddah for the death of her husband, because she is included in the general address of the verse that reads: ” Such of you as die and leave behind them wives, they (the wives) shall wait, keeping themselves apart, four months and ten days. And when they reach the term (prescribed for them) then there is no sin for you in aught that they may do with themselves in decency. Allah is informed of what ye do.” (Al-Baqarah: 234) She is also entitled to a share in inheritance, because she is a wife.

In the fatwa of the Standing Committee for Fatwa in Saudi Arabia, we read: “The woman whose husband dies after the marriage contract yet before consummation must still observe the waiting period because when the contract is concluded she becomes his wife and falls under the command of the verse: ” Such of you as die and leave behind them wives, they (the wives) shall wait, keeping themselves apart, four months and ten days. And when they reach the term (prescribed for them) then there is no sin for you in aught that they may do with themselves in decency. Allah is informed of what ye do.” (Al-Baqarah: 234)

The hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also applies to her. It reads: “It is not allowed for a woman to mourn for a dead person for more than three days except if it is for her husband, in which case it is for four months and ten days.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Ahmad and many other scholars recorded that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) decreed concerning Buru bint Washiq, a woman whose husband had died before consummation, that she must observe the waiting period and that she was entitled to receive inheritance from him.”