Muslims are supposed to practice and preach their faith, but at the same time they must protect their lives, their properties and their rights to live in peace. In order to protect their own rights and to promote the good things in the society, it is necessary for them to participate in the political system of non-Muslim states. Hence, Muslims should participate in the system to safeguard their interests and try to bring gradual change for the right cause, the cause of truth and justice.

Dr. TahaJaber Al-`Alwani, President of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences and President of the Fiqh Council, states: The Muslim must play an active role in every environment he finds himself in. He should reach out to the people, practicing the advice and “Nasihah”, enjoining good and forbidding evil, helping the poor and weak people, and serving his community.

Participating in the political activities in this country is something that would help the Muslim community to protect their rights to achieve some of their goals and to tell the American community in general what Islam means and how we as Muslims are participating in shaping America with our values, ethics and a lot of good things which we got from the guidance of Allah.
It is especially important to bring the values and family ethics to this society. With this, I think that the Muslim community in this country must participate in all political activities as a community more than as individuals because that will help the Muslim community to achieve their goals as a community in this country.