Massaging the body parts included in ablution, and the entire body during ghusl (tadleek) is not compulsory according to the majority of the scholars. It is sunnah, and some of scholars – the Maliki’s precisely- see it as obligatory. The most correct opinion is the one attributed to the majority of the scholars. This is backed up with the evidence in the book of Allah SWA- on the matter of ablution, as the verse states the obligatory steps of ablution and does not mention massaging amongst the obligations, Allah SWA says: (O you who believe! when you rise up to prayer, wash your faces and your hands as far as the elbows, and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles). The sunnah of the prophet ﷺ, also did not mention -to the best of knowledge that we received through hadith-, the massaging of the body parts in ablution or ritual bath (Gusl).
Massaging the body parts during ablution
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