As the summer months approach, Muslims may find themselves struggling with the challenge of maintaining their modesty. With the rise in exposure to less-than-decent clothing and behavior around us, especially in public spaces, the task of lowering one’s gaze and protecting the purity of the heart becomes more pressing. This article offers practical advice for Muslims on how to navigate this challenge while preserving their faith and modesty.
The Importance of Lowering the Gaze
In Islam, lowering the gaze is a fundamental command from Allah for both men and women. Allah says in Surah An-Nur:
“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest.” (An-Nur: 30-31)
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) further elaborated on this command, warning that the eyes themselves commit “zina” (adultery) through lustful glances. He said:
“The eyes commit zina. Their zina is gazing.”
This powerful hadith serves as a reminder that the act of looking at what is forbidden can lead to sinful thoughts and actions, making it imperative to lower one’s gaze to preserve purity and modesty.
Lowering the Gaze in Summer
During the summer, the temptation to look at immodestly dressed individuals can be stronger due to the hot weather. Whether you are walking in the streets, at the beach, or in a park, exposure to indecency becomes more common. However, maintaining modesty during these times is not impossible.
Here are some practical strategies to help you lower your gaze and protect your deen:
- Look Away Immediately
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised: “Do not look once after another, for the first look is for you, but the second is against you.” (Reported by Muslim)
This means that if you accidentally glance at something inappropriate, avert your eyes immediately. The first glance may not be intentional, but the second look is considered an act of disobedience. - Avoid Places of Temptation
If possible, avoid places where exposure to inappropriate attire is inevitable, such as beaches or swimming pools. If you need to take your children to a park, try visiting during cooler times of the day when fewer people are out sunbathing or wearing revealing clothes. - Turn Off Inappropriate Media
Lowering the gaze extends beyond real-life encounters; it also applies to media consumption. Avoid watching TV shows or movies that include intimate scenes or nudity. If you feel tempted by a certain program or news anchor, change the channel or turn it off. By controlling what you watch, you safeguard your eyes from the temptation of lust. - Make Dua (Supplication)
When you are in situations where it is hard to lower your gaze, turn to Allah in supplication. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) recommended saying:
“Aoothu billahi as-ami
al-`aleemi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem”
(“I seek refuge in Allah, the Hearer, the Knower, from the accursed devil.”)
You may also say:
“La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah”
(“There is no power or might except with Allah.”)
Sincerely making dua can help you turn your eyes away and remain strong in your resolve. - Avoid the “Adultery of the Eyes”
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) clearly explained that the “adultery of the eyes” involves looking at what is forbidden. Such glances lead to lustful thoughts and further sinful actions. By training yourself to look away, you prevent this cycle from beginning and protect both your soul and your actions. - Strengthen Your Faith
It is important to remember the rewards and blessings of Allah for those who strive to maintain modesty. The more difficult it becomes, the greater the reward. When you resist temptation for the sake of Allah, He will reward you in both this life and the next. This act of self-discipline becomes a form of “jihad” (struggle) that is truly worth undertaking.
Maintaining Modesty Without Being Anti-Social
Lowering the gaze does not mean being unfriendly or anti-social. Muslims are encouraged to socialize and enjoy summer activities in a halal (permissible) manner. You can still engage in wholesome activities with family and friends, but it’s crucial to be mindful of your surroundings and make conscious efforts to avoid inappropriate distractions.
Lowering the gaze is an essential part of preserving one’s modesty and protecting the purity of the heart. During the summer months, when exposure to temptation is heightened, Muslims are called to exert extra effort to maintain this command. By following the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and seeking refuge in Allah, Muslims can navigate these challenges with strength and resolve. The reward for maintaining modesty is great, and with sincere effort and reliance on Allah, you can succeed in this noble endeavor.