Islam urges the Muslim to have a good, positive, interactive character. Strong character is a good trait that should be possessed by a Muslim. It is a quality that is usually earned from day-to-day encounters and social experiences we face in every day’s life.
The meaning of having a strong character is to apply the teachings of Islam in one’s life and try one’s best to achieve them to the best of one’s ability. This should be achieved while having strong trust in oneself and strong belief in the good causes one is promoting. Part of having a strong character is to achieve positivism in the society where one lives, and to be objective in one’s approach while sticking to the truth, justice and compassion.
Last but not least, being a strong in character doesn’t mean being aggressive or violent in behaving as the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have declared, “The strong person is not that person who is possessing physical power, but rather the strong person is the one who controls himself when he gets angry.”