Hajj is obligatory once in a lifetime. If a person has the means to offer Hajj, he should carry it out as soon as possible. One is not advised to delay offering Hajj under any pretext, keeping in mind the fact that Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Islam is built upon five pillars: testifying that there is no true god except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, performing Prayer, paying the Zakah, making the pilgrimage to the Sacred House (Hajj), and fasting the month of Ramadan” (Al-Bukhari).
Likewise, you have to bear in mind the fact that jihad is either an individual duty or a communal duty. Jihad becomes an individual duty on all Muslims in certain cases: 1) when Muslims who are legally responsible attend the battlefield; 2) if enemies attack the country where Muslims live, all of them, male and female, must confront them; and 3) if the Muslim ruler commands someone to fight, it will be incumbent upon him to obey the order.
Therefore, the Muslim should strike a balance between religious obligations. If jihad is an individual duty, then a Muslim cannot go for Hajj, for he is required to participate in jihad.
Dr. Marawan Shahin, Professor of Hadith and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Al-Azhar University states: If your Hajj is for the first time (i.e. you did not perform obligatory Hajj), then performing obligatory Hajj takes precedence over giving money for jihad. However, if you have already performed the obligatory Hajj, then there is nothing wrong in giving the money allocated for non-obligatory Hajj to jihad and fighters in the Cause of Allah.
Hajj or Spending Money on Jihad?
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