The eminent Muslim scholar and renowned Da`iyah, Sheikh `Abdel Khaliq Hasan Ash-Shareef, states: “It should be clear that Islam encourages doing research and nothing happens in this world without Allah’s Will and knowledge. Therefore, doing research and experiments to make rain dropping in no way objects Allah’s Will and there is noting in the Shari`ah contradicting this experiment. Such experiments are worldly matters that are done for the sake of securing an easy life for people and there is nothing wrong from the Shari`ah perspective prohibiting this. Notwithstanding, the rain comes down according to the Will of Allah, i.e., if He wills to let it come down, no one on the earth can prevent it, and in case He wills not to let it come down, no one on the earth can let it come down.
Doing Experiments to Make Rain: Islamic View
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