In his response to this issue, Dr. Hatem Al–Haj, Professor of Fiqh, asserted that a Muslim should not wait for hajj, instead, he should hasten to it. He should also do his best in switching to a sharia compliant mortgage or ridding himself from those conventional ones. However, this should not be a reason for not making the hajj even if he made hajj before he completes riddance of such transactions.
A Muslim should let the hajj itself help on his religious commitment in general and in this regard in particular.
Dr. MonzerKahf, a prominent economist and counselor also said: on this issue: ‘One must check on shariah position before taking an action and not after it. Also Hajj has nothing to do with being under a sinful loan. And any profit is his because it is an increase in the price of a house he owns. Repenting from Riba is by good deeds and charity as much as possible.