Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, A Senior Lecturer and an Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states the following: “If the couples were born Muslims who had a chance to know about such essential matters of religion, they have no excuse in this matter, and they are supposed to make up for their Prayers. If however, they are new Muslims or brought up in a place where such knowledge was not so common, then they are excused. In this case, they should ask forgiveness of Allah; and from now on, pray while observing all of the essential conditions. Freedom from both major and minor impurities is an essential condition for the validity of salah.
It is important for us to know that acquiring essential Islamic knowledge is an obligatory duty of every Muslim and Muslimah. In these days, it is not hard for us to acquire it, if we have the will to do so. May Allah inspire us to increase our knowledge in our chosen Deen-ameen.”
Couples not knowing about ghusl for a long time, do they repeat salah?
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