We are accountable for our deliberate utterances; we have been warned against unscrupulous use of our tongue. Hence, we have to speak only that which is right and think only good thoughts. By failing to control our words we fall into perdition and self-destruction. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Indeed most people are dragged to Hellfire solely because of what their tongues have harvested!”
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: Islam teaches us that we are responsible for all our actions including our deliberate utterances and the thoughts we nurture and cherish in our minds. Hence we are to make sure not only that we do what is right, but also speak only that which is right and think only good thoughts. By failing to control our words we fall into perdition and self-destruction. Allah and His Messenger have told us in no uncertain terms that we are accountable for our deliberate utterances; we have been warned against unscrupulous use of our tongue or words. Allah says, (We created man—We know what his soul whispers to him: We are closer to him than his jugular vein—with two receptors set to record, one on his right side and one on his left, he does not utter a single word without an ever-present watcher) (Qaf 50: 17-18).
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) while advising Mu`adh, one of his close companions, concluded his words saying, “Restrain your tongue!” When Mu`adh asked in surprise, “Are we accountable for our words as well?” the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “Indeed most people are dragged to Hellfire, solely because of what their tongues have harvested!” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) further said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak what is good or remain silent!”
As Imam Al-Ghazali has rightly pointed out that Allah has created each and every one of our faculties for specific functions or purposes; therefore, if we use any one of them for other than the purpose for which it has been created, we are certainly abusing it and we will be called to account. Our tongue has been created to glorify Allah, to speak or command that which is good or beneficial, and to bring peace among people. If we use it for swearing or evil speech, we will certainly be punished for it on the Day of Judgment. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) further said, “A person might utter a single word by virtue of which Allah will raise his station; or he may utter a single word thanks to which he may be flung right into the middle of Hellfire.” He also said, “A believer is not one who is in the habit of cursing, swearing or indulging in foul or lewd talk.”
The fact that we may find ourselves enjoying swearing or using foul words is not a proof to suggest that it is permissible to do so; rather it is an abnormal condition. For just as our physical hearts are either corrupted or fostered by the kind of foods we eat, our spiritual hearts are either sustained or corrupted by our actions, words, or thoughts. A person who is feasting on junk food is indeed relishing it, while in fact he is administering poison to his body; the junk food may eventually kill him. Likewise, a person who is relishing swearing and foul speech is, in fact, killing his spiritual heart. He can best be compared to someone who is addicted to smelling excrement; it may not at all be surprising if he were to faint when exposed to fragrance. His experience, however, cannot be an evidence to suggest that excrement is good. We all must remember that soon we will be called to account for our words just as you will be called to account for our deeds, as our words are part of our deeds. we should always think how badly we have corrupted our soul by uttering such foul words and rush to purge our heart of such filth by repenting and conditioning ourselves to making dhikr (remembrance of Allah), du`a’ (supplication), and istighfar
(seeking forgiveness of Allah). May Allah grant us His grace by choosing us to be among those whose tongue is supple with dhikr of Allah. Ameen.
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