As far as Islamic fiqh is concerned, young boys are allowed to lead adults in Prayer. Imam ash-Shafi`i says that young boys can lead adults in optional and obligatory Prayers. Though other schools of fiqh allow the young boy to lead adults in optional Prayers only, we accept the opinion of Imam ash-Shafi`i in some situations so as to teach young boys how to pray.
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: “Your sons can lead prayer for themselves, for you and for your other children if they are of the age of discrimination and they know the rules of Prayer. They do not need to know all the intricate laws of jurisprudence. They only need to know the conditions, essentials and rules of salah (ritual prayer); what breaks wudu’ (ablution); what breaks salah; and how to compensate for mistakes. In addition to these, they should also have command of at least the minimum Qur’anic memorization necessary to lead salah. However, when they are with other adults, they should not rush to lead salah unless they are asked to because of their knowledge and capability. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has told us that of all the people to lead salah, the most qualified is the one who is most knowledgeable about the Qur’an.”
Can a Young Boy Lead Others in Prayer?
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