First of all, it should be clear that the preservation of the human species is unquestionably one of the primary objectives of marriage, and such preservation of the species requires continued reproduction. Accordingly, Islam encourages having many children and has blessed both male and female progeny. However, it allows the Muslim to plan his family due to valid reasons and recognized necessities.
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: “Generally speaking, it is not permitted for a woman to tie her tubes to prevent pregnancy. Doing so is considered akin to distorting and interfering with Allah’s creation.
Temporary methods of prevention of pregnancy, however, are permitted if done through consensual agreement of spouses concerned. If, however, at any time in future it can be established beyond a shadow of doubt that tubal ligation is safely reversible, then it would be considered as permissible.
The general ruling given above can be bypassed in case of a darurah or dire necessity. This will be the case if reliable physicians who are specialists in the field testify that it is the only way to safeguard and protect a woman’s health. Thus, it would be considered permissible as an exception to the rule.”
Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid, a prominent Saudi Islamic lecturer and author, adds:
“As far as the topic of birth control methods are concerned, the following three points should be considered:
1. Giving birth is the right of both the husband and wife, and neither one of them has the right to deprive the other from having children.
2. It is prohibited to take any measure that would permanently prevent pregnancy or cause infertility. It is permissible, however, to use temporary birth control methods to delay pregnancy, as in the case of delaying pregnancy for the two years of breast feeding the first child.
3. It is prohibited to use any birth control method that would harm the body, as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Do not (impose) harm, nor (inflict) harm”.” (Source:
Based on the above fatwas, it is clear that a woman cannot tie her tubes except in necessary cases – to save her health or life – under the consultation of trustworthy reliable physicians.
Can a Woman Have Her Tubes Tied?
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