Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is a globally recognized Islamic scholar who has dedicated his life to the service of Islam. However, in recent years, various accusations have been leveled against him, with some critics even questioning his faith. This article seeks to clarify these allegations, analyze their validity, and highlight the Sheikh’s contributions to Islamic scholarship.

The Nature of the Allegations

Online forums and certain fatwas have accused Sheikh Al-Qaradawi of:

  • Supporting democracy in a way that contradicts Islamic principles.
  • Permitting haram actions such as the sale of alcohol, free mixing, and music.
  • Making statements allegedly disrespectful toward Allah (SWT).
  • Showing support for the Shi’a without condemning their deviations.
  • Defending non-Muslims and refraining from calling them disbelievers.

Such claims raise a crucial question: How should Muslims approach the mistakes of scholars, and do these accusations hold any weight?

A Critical Examination of the Accusations

1. Understanding Sheikh Al-Qaradawi’s Position on Democracy

Contrary to the claim that he promotes democracy in its Western secular form, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi advocates for democratic mechanisms that align with Islamic teachings. He supports elections, accountability, and justice while emphasizing that democracy must never override Shariah law. His stance ensures that governance remains within the framework of Islam, rejecting unrestricted freedoms that contradict Islamic values, such as same-sex marriage.

2. The Stance on Shi’ism

Sheikh Al-Qaradawi has consistently upheld Sunni beliefs while urging unity between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims against external threats. He openly criticizes Shi’a practices that contradict Sunni theology, including the defamation of the Prophet’s companions. However, he does not declare Shi’ites as non-Muslims, recognizing that theological differences do not automatically result in takfir (excommunication).

3. The Buddha Statues Controversy

The allegation that Sheikh Al-Qaradawi opposed the destruction of Buddha statues in Afghanistan is often misunderstood. He argued that such actions could lead to greater harm, considering that these statues had existed since the time of the Sahabah without being destroyed. His perspective was rooted in Islamic principles of considering the consequences of actions, rather than supporting idolatry.

4. Addressing the “Mocking Allah” Allegation

One of the most serious accusations against Sheikh Al-Qaradawi is that he allegedly made a statement mocking Allah (SWT). In reality, his words were taken out of context. He was criticizing the corruption of Arab rulers who claim near-unanimous election victories, pointing out that even belief in Allah does not reach such levels of consensus. This statement, when understood correctly, was not blasphemous but rather a critique of authoritarian regimes.

The Dangers of Hastily Accusing Scholars

Islamic teachings warn against the reckless act of takfir. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) cautioned that if one Muslim accuses another of disbelief and the accusation is false, it returns upon the accuser. Sheikh Al-Qaradawi’s vast contributions to Islam, including over 100 books and the establishment of platforms like IslamOnline, demonstrate his dedication to the faith.


Misunderstandings and misrepresentations have fueled unwarranted allegations against Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi. A balanced and fair reading of his work shows his commitment to Islam and the Ummah. Before accepting or spreading accusations, Muslims must seek knowledge, avoid extremism, and uphold the ethics of scholarly disagreement.