عقوبة الزنا

عقوبة الزنى

Assalamu Alaikum, This might seem a little awkward but I know I am speaking for a lot of young people. Abstaining from sex is a really tough job at this age (18 and above).In the Prophet's days,one could get married and start business at the age of 17 but nowadays this is impossible because one cant start a business at that age and definately cant get married.They had it a lot easier then.With the times changing,we walk about seeing girls dressed in attracting clothes with the help of Shaitan(by looking).This is not our fault,it is because we dont have wives,if we did we would easily turn to our wives.But we dont.The question is,Can fornication in this situation still be that punished as it was then? If the punishment is taken on Earth(80 lashes),will there still be punishment in the hereafter?Also,when one tries to stop but cant and finally gets married and totally stops,definately now that he gets what he needs all the time,he will repent and never do it again,so what is your view? I dont plan to do any of this but I need to know how to answer some peoples' questions. الترجمة باختصار: السلام عليكم، كما تعلمون أن البعد عن الزنى في هذه الأيام قد أصبح من الصعوبة بمكان، خاصة بعد سن (18)، فقد كان الزواج في أيام النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) سهلاً ميسورًا، أما الآن فقد أصبحت تكاليف الزواج عالية، وهناك الفتيات الكاسيات العاريات اللاتي يفتن الشباب، وسؤالي هو: هل يعاقب على الزنى في هذه الأيام مثلما كان يعاقب عليه فيما قبل؟ وهل لو عوقب عليه الإنسان في الدنيا فسيعاقب عليه في الآخرة؟ وجزاكم الله خيرًا.