
حرية المرأة المالية

I have embraced Islam recently. I am married to a Muslim. I have a good paying job. When I was single I had my own bank account and had a house on mortgage. During the first few months of our marriage, my husband added his name to my account so he can keep track of my expenses. A few months later he closed my account and put my money in his because he said that I did not know how to manage my finances and that he has to protect my money from me. He had me work overtime with one day off every two weeks sometimes in a month so I could pay off my house because he said that it is haram to deal with interest. He let me borrow a small fraction of the loan and in so doing he added his name to the title of my property as security. Since the first year of our marriage until now everything that I own is in his name. He gets upset whenever I ask him about my finances and says I am ungrateful for what he has done for me, saving money. The Quran says that the man is supposed to be the provider for his family according to his means. I have been paying all the bills and he is not paying any rent, so I believe that I have helped him, too. Both of us are working. We sold my house and bought another and we shared in the expenses but only his name is on the title; he said he will add my name later, this was 2 years ago. Every time I ask him to add my name to the title and bank account or for updates he gets upset. He keeps information from me. I have no idea how much of my money is left because he has been using it for his means. He makes it difficult for me and I am miserable and confused. I am wondering if my husband's action is Islamically correct and acceptable. Please advise me as soon as possible. May Allah guide you. Assalamu Alaikum. حديثة إسلام متزوجة من مسلم وأعمل في وظيفة براتب مرتفع، قبل الزواج أضاف زوجي إسمه لحسابي البنكي لكي يتابع مصاريفي، بعد أشهر أغلق حسابي الخاص وأضاف أموالي إلى حسابه الخاص بحجة أنني لا أحسن التصرف في أموالي، وجعلني أعمل خلال أيام الإجازات لكي أسدد أقساط البيت لأنه يقول أن مثل هذا التعامل حرام، كما جعلني أستعير جزء صغير من الدين، وأضاف اسمه إلى أملاكي كنوع من الضمان، وبعد مرور عام على زواجنا أصبح كل ما أملك باسمه، ومنذ ذلك الحين وكلما سألته عن مصروفاتي يغضب ويدعي أنني ناكرة للمعروف لأنه يحافظ على أموالي، والقرآن الكريم يثبت أن الرجل هو القوام على الأسرة، مع أنني أقوم بسداد جميع الفواتير المستحقه وهو لايدفع شيئا، لذا أنا أرى أنني أساعده أيضا ونحن الإثنان نعمل، وقمنا ببيع بيتي وشراء بيت جديد مشاركة، وكل الأملاك مسجلة باسمه فقط، ودائما يعد بأنه سيضيف اسمي على الأملاك، وقد مر عامان على هذا الوعد ، وكل ما ما سألته أن يفي بوعده يغضب، ويخفي عني ما أنفق من الأموال، وكم يقي لي في حسابي لأنه ينفق منه أيضا، وهذا الأمر صعب على الوضع واشعر بالآسى والاضطراب، وهل ما يقوم به زوجي موافق للإسلام أرجو الرد السريع