Zakah on Savings?
A.Salam, Is it that only Wealthy have to pay zakat. what if you have sav ings but you are not rich. I would like to pay whether I have to pay zakat, considering my situation. I had casual jobs over past several years and my husband is a full time student with little income. We are expecting our first child.As we have no regular and fix income, we live with my parents, they pay for our food and we don?t pay any rent.My husband wants to move out as he does not want us to live with my parents forever. Buy we can not afford; rents and living expenses are very high for us to afford.We have some savings that we have saved over some years, as we tend not to spend only on important necessities and save. If we move out we can buy household items with it, but still it would be hard to afford overall living expenses. We have no other assets or income.So do we have to pay zakat on our savings.What if we gave these savings, while living with my parents, to my dad who is in need of paying mortgage and living expenses and he promises to give us when we plan to move out/or need.This is my situation and depending on this what do we have to do. I couldn?t search an answer in books, so that?s why I am asking you as a scholer to guide us.Thanks