Controlling Oneself not to Pass Wind: An Islamic Injunction
Dear Scholars in Islam,When under stress I sometimes have a condition called irritable bowel syndrome which causes me to feel the need to pass wind suddenly and inconsistently. Sometimes, I go through a period without any difficulty but my symptoms can reoccur at anytime without notice, usually due to stress. However, I am able to control myse lf from passing the wind in order to keep my wudu. My questions are: a) so long as one does not actually pass the wind is his wudu valid, even if he is resisting the urge to pass wind? b) when combining Maghreb and Ishaa? I started to feel the wind during Maghreb prayer but controlled myself and continued on to praying Ishaa? and resisted the urge to pass wind, should I have made wudu in between the two prayers even though I didn?t pass any wind? I had just made wudu a few minutes prior. c) Is my Ishaa? prayer therefore invalid? I should mention that I also have severe waswass which causes me stress and in turn, I believe, makes my irritable bowel syndrome worse. -Your sister in Islam