Taqleed of Fiqh Imams, Necessary?
Dear Scholar, assalam alykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I've recently read an article about Taqleed and in that article a verse from the Holy Qoran was referred to provide evidence to say that it?s co mpulsory for a Muslim to do taqleed. The ayat quoted was: "And, ask the People of Knowledge if you do not know." By quoting this verse, the author derived the conclusion that denial of this principle of Taqleed is, therefore, an act of kufr which expels the denier from the fold of Islam. Now my question is, what?s a status of a person who believes in One True Allah and His messenger, His Holy Books, in Destiny, and Day of Judgment etc and thus fulfills all the basic requirements to be a Muslim but on the other hand, denies this principle of Taqleed and doesn?t wish to follow any Imam and argues that the Qoran and Sunnah is enough for him? Does he still belong to the fold of Islam or does he comes out of it? If you answer that he comes out of this, then will it not contradict another verse of Qoran which says that if any individual has even minimalist faith in the Islamic monotheism then it?s enough for him to enter Jannah? Please clarify. Also I?d like to ask why the Ahl e Sunnah Wal Jamaah restrict Taqleed upto 4 Imaams only? Jazakallahu khair