Silk Neckties
Al Salamo Aliko W Rahmato Allah W Barakato, I would like to take this opportunity to thank your for your guidance thought answering our questions regarding Islam. I wanted to inquire about wearing Silk Ties. I am sure it is a famous questions and I did read lots of your answers regarding this issue on the website, but I am still confused about it. First of all, I have to mention that there is absolutely no tie nowawadays that is not made of silk and that makes it very hard for Muslims to appear elegant. (except wool ties of course which are not that good). I searched a lot for non-silk ties here in Germany and the best I could find was made up of only 25% of silk and the rest is either linen or cotton. Now, the question is whether it is allowed to wear such a tie. I know the Hadith of `Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, who said that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, forbade the wearing of silk except for an area the width of two fingers, or three or four (meaning a small amount of silk that equals two, three, or four close fingers). (Reported by Muslim, 3/1644)?. So what does four close finger physically mean when it comes to ties, is it about 20 or 30% Silk ?Furthurmore, what is the tie made of artificial silk rather than nature silk ?Looking forward for your reply..