serial killing

The cause of serial killing

As-salamu `alaykum. I recently read an article in the SSRF Blog  (SSRF: Spiritual Science Research Foundation, with the title of "Serial killers ? a menace to society". (For details : http://spiritualresear )SSRF says that:"... Spiritual research has shown that the root cause for committing serial killing lies in the spiritual realm.The cause of a serial killing is 90% spiritual in nature, 10% psychological and 0% physical. What does this tell us? It tells us that the person committing serial killing has been under the influence of a higher-level ghost (demon, devil, negative energy etc.). In other words he was a medium used by a higher-level ghost to kill many people.Interestingly even the serial killers themselves mention that they have been possessed by a ghost during the act of murder, or that they felt someone else was guiding their actions, or that they were remote from their mind and body and just in some kind of numb observer mode, etc. All of these comments strongly point to symptoms of a demonic manifestation..."Question :Do you agree with SSRF that serial killers are mediums used by high  levels ghosts? Do you agree with the idea of  the serial killers do the crimes under the complete influence of the ghosts, so they do not have any will and control of their deeds? How realistic is this view and do you think this idea does agree with Islamic principles? Could ghosts totally take control and the will of a person, persons mind and make him/her a serial killer? What do you think about this article in general?  thanks a lot. May Allah (C.C.) be with us.