
What should relations between spouses be based on?

Me & my husband were watching TV,on one of the  channels that we watch they?ve showed some pictures of the Prophet in one of the usual every day?s evening ?News? program, telling people of the late events that are taking place now and about the source of the anger of all the Muslims. My husband who in the beginning of all this issue, tried to switch on to another channel whenever on any channel were any reports concerning it all, so that he might not accidentally hear or see anything bad. Then later he started to listen the news, the programs, the discussions on this subject ( avoiding to see any pictures) in order to know what anyone does or think about it, whoever it might be. He tolled me that we shouldn?t watch this channel anymore for what it did, whatever their cause was. The next day I tolled him that we should write a protest to the administration of this channel and maybe to the President?s administration also and I did so.In the evening news on the same channel, that my husband let me watch for 15-20 min and being upset at me for this, it was said that whoever will deal in anything concerning the pictures, the penalty will be very harsh even to take away the licenses, but the apology were not been said, as I  hoped.Till now I don?t know if the apology have been said or not, for more then a month we are still not watching this channel and once not intentionally I put it on, my husband was again angry with me for it. Is his position on this issue being the correct one or  is he being rigid, as I think sometimes he does on other things or occasions?Thank you.