Protection against black magic
"As-salamu `alaykum. my question is, is it possible that one can control someone's life by casting black magic on them. For instance, i got married twice. Both times the match was incompatible but it's as though we had no control over ourselves to reject it. After the marriage myself and the whole family would regret choosing him and wonder why we did, considering he would have nothing compatible to myself and he wouldn't even be financially stable to support me. Only recently it's come to our attention that someone had cast magic on us/me, which was causing this whole unhappiness to the whole family. What i wanted to ask is, can this be possible? Can someone really have this much power that no numbers of prayers to Allah wouldn't change it. If it is, what is the solution? How can i overcome them i.e are there any ayats etc that can be recited to make it go away? And are there any ayats to keep our house/family protected forever from this evil act. Where i live, there are no resources available to find any help, therefore I would be grateful if you would help me in this matter. Also how can i find out who was behind this so I can avoid them for the future. Also, I want to know, if anyone does something bad, etc under the act of any spell, is he/she would be punished?