Prohibited marriage

Marrying a Woman before She Got Her Divorce

I meet a muslim female during the time period when i was still a christian. The problem is she is currently married to a man that  already had a first wife and soon after they married that's when she found out about the 1st wife because he told her that he could not take care of her due to his wife request that he leave her alone.What happened in the process is she had to move out of the apartment that he started paying for because he canceled the lease, and told her to find someone else to be with because he can't take care of her. At the time she was not working so she left the country for work because she had given up her previous employment.After a year out of country she returned and we meet. She explained everything as i stated above, after a few months of friendship we became closer and not long after that he found out that she had returned and was seeing someone as he requested her to do. Do to his disagreement about us being together he refuses to give her a divorce willingly.She went to the court to try and file for divorce but because any info she has on paper about him is out dated they would accept it from her and she has a copy of there marriage contract but they won't accept that from her either. He has the original marriage contract and it was never file within the legal system in the country that we reside in nor there home country.I would like to marry her sometime in the near future and i wanted to know due to his failure to support her for over 3yrs. and being that it is the responsibility of the man to take care of his wife is it deemed necessary for her to actually file for divorce through the court for his lack of support or anything else since the marriage contract was never file with any legal system and being that a man can divorce his wife on the mere pronouncement of "I divorce you" three times.I know they took a vow before Allah and since he failed to perform his obligation to her, I the eyes of Allah is there marriage still valid.I've was even told that just because they married within the country they reside it's not valid any other place because it's not filed in a legal system to recognize them as a couple but i don't want to over look Allah on this situation for fear of punishment and being also that it's prohibited for a female to have to husband.I searched for the answer to this question and failed to find a suitable and clear answer. ]]>