
Getting private area waxed by a non-Muslim woman

Aslamualaikum i wanted to ask can a muslim woman get her private area waxed by a christian woman.i live in muslim country but that christian lady is available because she comes to my house.there are muslim woman who do waxing but at parlour and i dont want to there.i  feel uncomfortable and unsafe at parlour.also its a commercial place. wants  waxing  because all other methods are not helpful as hair regrowth is very fast and hair growth just starts that day and its very irritationg and hair have become very thick and ugly and my skin is very sensitive.i want to get hair waxed because waxing with passage of time also decreases hair.i have asked this question before and some scholars suggested laser treatment. but to be honest i m not comfortable with laser treatment because it will be like exposing awrah in front of too many people at a commercial place and i m very afraid there might be hidden cameras or even if there are not, i dont want laser treatment. my family will never allow this .another important point is laser treatment is not very popular in my country it is done but on a very small scale so i m not sure about the quality of doctors it might be a health risk which i never want to take.< br /> i want waxing because it is safe and that christian lady come to my place to wax so it is quite safe. i want my private parts to be waxed because otherwise marraige life would be disturbed alot.i will be embarrased infront of my husband.and i cannot explain my worries. i m always thinking about it. i m in genuine need i  just dont want waxing because for fun i want it for a genuine need .please help . i also dont want to disobey Allah. what should i do? please note that all other methods except waxing are useless for me. Thanking u  in advance.