Things that put a person out of Islam
Assalamaoalaikum, I have two questions: Firstly, can you please list each and everything thing that puts a muslim out of islam? Secondly i wanted to ask if i eat american products nowadays am i considered a non-muslim even though i dont support american-israel support?We have to go to america to get our immigration purposes my mother said we could go get it done do some sight seeing and then come back so i want to know if i spend on anything in america does it put me out of islam, as it is well known that there are taxes on each and every thing there and probably some part of that goes to the american army.So even if i dont buy from companies that are openly hostile to palestine i will still be paying that little bit of tax. So does that put me out of islam. I dont support the americans against palestinians at all. Please reply soon. We are already in the process of booking a flight.Jazak Allah Khairan