
Obedience to parents and entering Jannah

Hello,I have a question regarding the conditions on which you, as a muslim are allowed to disobey your parents.In Islam, is says that your parents are your jannat. If either of them die upset from you, the doors of jannat are forever closed for you and you cannot enter jannat when you die, and on the day of judgement, Allah will refuse to talk to the person whos parents died upset from the.however, For example, if your father is doing wrong deeds (he's a gambling addict and doesn't offer salah), and commiting sins and hurting and abusing your mother and emotionally abusing you, and after years of trying to keep things together, your mother who you believe to be in the right, wants a separation and your dad has to leave.But you are a 20yr old daughter and when relatives get involved and your father is leaving the house, he expects you to take his side and leave your mother for him, but you know that he was the one who caused this trouble upon himself with his own bad habits, (you have been trying to stop your father from the sin for years and telling him how much is hurts you) you refuse to leave your mother and go away with your father, or you dont stop your mother from the separation as she is very hurt by your father and will not listen, so you don't leave the house and your mother and go with him or you do not stick up for him as he is in the wrong. So, then he gets upset from you and then dies in that anger.So, in this case, were you in the wrong for not listening to his orders? And if you or your father dies soon after the row, are you not allowed to enter jannat?I mean, he is being upset from you for the wrong reason. They say in Islam it is bad to do zulm on anyone but is it also bad to tolerate zulm?Also, if your father forcefully keeps taking money from you for gambling, and stops you from letting your mother know about this, but you feel that she has a right to know, what are you supposed to do in that case? And will it be wrong for you to refuse to give him the money if you know he will use it on something HARAM (gambling?) When parents get divorced, if the child lives with one parent, does the other one has a right to be angry with the child (i mean if the father wants the child to himself and doesn't want the child to have any contact with the mother, but the child does not agree to this as he also has to obey his mother according to islam, is the selfish father liable to be upset from him/her and does the child lose out on the jannat if the father is upset from him/her for this reason?)Plz can someone answer this question properly as i feel stuck between religion and between what is right to do.thanks