Number of Rak`ah in Tarawih Prayer
Dear scholars,1. How many rakahs did the prophet (PBUH) pray on the nights he led Taraweh?2. I have read this in a Newspaper called the ?Daily Monitor? published in Uganda on 20 August 2008, at ?Mohammed was born 570 A.D. and died 632 A.D. He was the one who introduced Islam with a social rule that it is compulsory for anybody to eat meat when the animal from which the meat is obtained has been butchered by a Moslem! Does that mean that people never ate meat, waiting for Mohammed to give such a ruling between 570A.D. and 632 A.D. could people not eat meat? Or would they die if they ate it before Mohammed was born in order to sanction it??I have two questions: (i) Is it true that it is Muhammad who introduced Islam? (ii) Is there a ?social rule? in Islam that it is ?compulsory? for ?anybody? to eat meat slaughtered by Muslims only? If not, what is the correct rule and what is the logic behind it?