
Not Wearing Hijab for Medical conditions

Dear scholars, As-Salamu `alaykum. For the past three-and-a-half years, I’ve been suffering from a condition called scalp folliculitis. This is an inflammation of the hair follicles caused by excessive heat and sweat, and at times this problem of mine becomes an infection because of the heat and bacteria triggered by the sweat. When I first discovered the problem, I began to wear cotton scarves and cut my hair very short, and thinned my hair, as well, to accommodate my hijab. This worked and gave me some relief at the time. I took the medications prescribed by my dermatologist and, al-hamdu lillah, my condition disappeared. However, the doctor did tell me that this conditi on is known to be chronic and that this would not be the last time I’d see it.Being optimistic, I didn’t believe him, and put my trust in Allah and believed I wouldn’t have this problem again. To my dismay, I continually had this problem and it reappeared time and time again over the past three years. Since then, I’ve ingested so many antibiotics that I’ve developed a resistance to the medication and now they don’t give me any relief. I sought the advice of two other dermatologists; each gave me the same diagnosis. Because I work full-time, I find it very difficult to wear my scarf now as it irritates my skin and worsens my problem. I don’t know what to do. I know I have to wear my hijab, but then it’s so itchy and intolerable. My dermatologist told me that if I take it off for a couple of months, I’d notice a difference in my scalp. I would like to take off my hijab to heal my scalp, and then return to it as soon as I’m healed, but I don’t know if this is the best decision; please advise.