Spending on Mother or Getting Married?
As-Salaamu Alykum:I have a question about marriage eligibility. I'm a male Muslim 25 years old with intention to get married Insha Allah. However here's my situation. I live at home with my Mom and two brothers. My mom is not Muslim and my older brother does not practice. Myself, my older brother and my mom all work and I believe that I earn enough to support a spouse at this time. But to do this, it may entail me having to leave my mom's house and get an apartment and thereby deprive her, it seems, of the income that I usually contribute to her as "rent". Since I'm obligated as a Muslim to see that my mom is taken care of, and our father is not alive, and given the current glo bal economic crisis we're all in, does this mean that I am not eligible to get married?