Woman’s Right to Divorce
Assalamu aleykum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatou Dear IOL,I would like to know the exact method for a woman to declare divorce when there has been a pre-marriage agreement to allow "talaq-ul-tafweed" . I have been married (a remarriage to my husband) for 2 1/2 years, but he has now broken many conditions of the marriage, by cheating on me, being violent to my daughter and insulting/abusing my mother, and many other things. At the time of marriage, he accepted that I would be allowed the automatic right to divorce "talaq-ul-tafweed". We both signed this contract infront of witnesses. Can you tell me exactly how I would declare my divorce, inshAllah. Do I simply declare "I divorce you" three times? I would be most grateful for our help, inshAllah.JazakAllahu khayrunWasalamSr Sarah