International Relations

Islam and Slavery

Aslaamu Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakato Dear scholars, I have a question please and I hope I get the answers Insha-Allah. what does your right hand possess really mean? I asked a sheikh and he told me slave girls that we can have sex with. I really don?t believe in that and certainly I know my religion don?t support slave girls because slavery is only for Allah. Although slave girls and slave is mentioned in the Bible in the old and new testament. Like in Deuteronomy 20:10-15, Exodus 21:20-21, 1 Peter 2:18 and so on. It can be found about what your right hand possess in Soora Al Nesaa 4:3-24-25-36 and Sora Al Nahhel 16:71 and Sora Al muumenoon 23 and finally in Soora Al Noor 24:31. And in Sora Al Noor it talks about what does women right hands possess so I don?t think it?s slave or slave meant for sex. Because slavery is ONLY for Allah. We are Abd Allah (meaning slave of Allah). Also in Sora Aal-umran 3:64 says we should not take among ourselves Lords except Allah. And slave means someone is your Lord/Master/Controller. Or according to slave means ??a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant??. And also in Sora Yaa-Seen 26:61 Allah said to us (Banee Adam-Children of Adam) to only worship Him. Also in Sorat Huud 11:26 Allah say to only have him as our Lord and also in many many other verses. So can you please explain to me what does my right hand possess mean?Slaamu Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatu Bader Alawadhi, Dubai, U.A.E