Allah Is Everywhere
Assalamou 3alaykoum,After reading a book about distances in the cosmos I'm wondering about whether there is only one creator almighty Allah which had had create this universe(I believe I'm conveinced that Allah is the only one is present in the skies and earth):Allah said in the holy Koran that if there was (?in the skies and the earth? ) another God than Allah he had had sought to the one who owned the throne a way.And also: if there was ( ?in the skies and the earth?) another God than Allah then they would be spoiled.Also that the throne of Allah wide enough to the skies and earth. AYATE AL ARCHfinally I've heard about a Hadith where The Almighty Allah Glorify himself before he create the universe.I'm wondering about the knowledge and the power of Allah soubhanah beyond the skies and the earth I think I'm sure that Allah Know all about Earth and skies because he is the creator but what about elsewhere?: is it allowed to wonder about this things or to follow the ayat:? la ta9fou ma layessa laka bihi 3elm? known that I still doing my prayer...? and if you could put more light on the subject I will be greatfull.Jazakoum llahou khayeran